English Theory Classes
Dear Student,
here you find our information about the english theory lessons for your driver licence in the driving school in Berlin.
Monday and Wednesday
07.00 pm – 08.30 pm
Please register for the English Theory Classes right in time.
Where ?
- Hauptstrasse 92, 12159 Berlin
- Telefon 030 62 72 95 96
How can I prepare my english theory clases (test)?
To study for your theoryexam which contains more than 1100 question in a multiple choice test
- We offer an english book and
- an english Lerning-App at the Online-Lerning-Center
- the App is also offline so you can update it when there is Wifi.
- There are more than 1100 questions asked in a multiply choice test.
- Many people underestimate the time which is needed. You should start to learn early because it takes a long time.The best to lern is to visit the English Theory Classes and studing the app the same time. A lot of question are not ask in the English Theory Classes. That makes it difficult.
English Theory Classes
The 12 driving licence theory topics of the theoretical driving licence training valid for all classes ( basics)
Topic I: Personal requirements / human risk factor
- Physical abilities
Visual ability – eye test, hearing, feeling, sensory illusions, importance of health and fitness.
Limitation of physical abilities
Diseases and infirmities, attention, concentration and fatigue, distraction, alcohol, illegal drugs and medication.
Driver personality
Influencing behaviour through emotions, stress, controlling emotions, driver roles and self-images, driver ideals.
Topic II: Legal framework
- Driving a motor vehicle
Driving licence and driving permit, driving licence classes.
Registration of motor vehicles, vehicle documents
Vehicles subject to registration and vehicles not subject to registration, registration office, vehicle title, vehicle registration certificate, registration certificate Part I and Part II, operating licence, proof of insurance, proof of exhaust emission test, registration number plates, expiry of operating licence.
Vehicle inspections
General inspection, exhaust emission inspection (proof), vehicle modifications.
Insurance, loss of insurance cover
Third party liability, partial and fully comprehensive insurance, passenger accident, legal expenses insurance, compensation, recourse.
International motor traffic
Topic III: Basic rules, traffic signs and traffic facilities
- Basic rule § 1 Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)
Caution, consideration, damage, endangerment, obstruction, nuisance, principle of trust.
Traffic signs and devices
System and logic, danger signs, regulatory signs, directional signs, traffic facilities, symbols.
Topic IV: Road traffic system and its use, level crossings.
- Traffic routes: meaning, use and dangers
Road, carriageway, right-hand drive, lanes, lane markings, use of lanes, special routes.
Motorways and motorways
Entering, behaviour on the motorway, exiting.
Level crossings
Approaching, obligation to wait, behaviour while waiting, driving on.
Topic V: Right of way
Meaning and definition, priority / left turn,
right before left,
Waiting rules,
Traffic signs regulating the right of way,
right of way,
Topic VI: Traffic regulations
- Traffic regulations through light signals
Red, red-yellow, green, yellow, stop or proceed, flashing yellow light, 2-colour traffic light, green arrow.
Traffic regulation by police officers
Environmentally conscious driving at intersections and junctions
Special traffic situations
Permanent light signs
Theme VII: Speed, distance and eco-driving
- Speed
Meaning, choice of speed, misjudgements, speed regulations by traffic signs, other speed regulations, speed and acceptance, speed and environmental protection.
Stopping distance
Reaction distance, braking distance, residual speeds.
Safety distances.
Warning signs
Horn, flashing lights, hazard warning lights.
Topic VIII: Other participants in road traffic
- Public transport
Buses, school buses and trams, bus stops, taxis.
Other motor vehicles
Motorbikes, cars, large and heavy vehicles.
Other road users
Cyclists, pedestrians, pedestrian crossings, pedestrian crossings, children, elderly and vulnerable people.
Traffic calming measures
Zone 30, Zone 20, traffic-calmed area, pedestrian zone areas, structural measures.
Topic IX:
Traffic behaviour during driving manoeuvres, traffic observation
- Driving in and out
Driving side by side
Changing lanes, zipping
Narrow places.
Overtaking bans, special hazards.
Recognising the intersection, inside/outside mirrors, turn signals, shoulder view/guarding, getting into lane, distance from intersection, adjusting speed, recognising right of way, observing priority, turning, accelerating, turning via a diversion (difficult traffic routing), dangers when turning.
Turning and reversing
Topic X: Stationary traffic
- Stopping and parking
Basic principles, parking manoeuvres, parking in a car park, stopping restrictions, parking bans, facilities for monitoring parking time.
Getting in and out of the car
Securing the vehicle, dangers and behaviour.
Securing broken down vehicles
Towing, towing and towing to a place.
Topic XI: Behaviour in special situations. Consequences of violating traffic regulations
- Use of lighting equipment
Parking lights, dipped headlights, main beams, secondary rear lights, fog lights, use of lighting devices when stopping and parking.
Behaviour towards special vehicles
Blue flashing light, yellow flashing light.
Traffic control by police officers - Behaviour after a traffic accident
The 10-point checklist, safeguarding, first aiders, getting help, other duties, the wildlife accident.
Consequences of violating traffic regulations
Warning, penalty notice, criminal offence, points system, driving ban, revocation of driving licence, reissue, medical-psychological examination (MPU).
Topic XII: Lifelong learning
- Novice and young drivers
Facts, driving experience, accompanied driving, risk-taking, the “discount accident”.
Older drivers
Advanced training seminars
Probationary driving licence, advanced seminar for novice drivers (ASF), voluntary seminar for novice drivers (FSF), advanced seminar for those with points (ASP), traffic psychology counselling.
Further education
Risks due to lack of information, safety training, courses on environmentally friendly driving.
English theory classes