Questions -FAQ – about a driver license.
Here you find the most answer about your questions.
First of all you need:
- a first aid course (held at our driving school)
- a biometric photo (offered in – – the first aid course)
- an eye test (offered in the first aid course)
For availability, registration and payment for these services please book online here :
With the certificate from the first aid course, the photo and the eye test, go to the Citizen’s Office (make an appointment in person, by phone or online).
Here you also need:
- If you are transferring a non-European driving licence, the original driving licence from your home country (in English, if available).
- If the driving licence is not in English, it must be translated, e.g. at ADAC, Bundesallee 29/30, 10717 Berlin (costs: 49,- Euro, duration: approx. 10 days)
- Confirmation of registration from the residents’ registration office
- Location of the test centre: TÜV Alboinstrasse
- Name and address of driving school
- Indication of driving licence: B (car, manual) or B (car, automatic > be sure to indicate this separately) or A (motorbike)
- Passport or identity card
- 50,00 €
If a student fail he may repeat the examination after 14 days. Shortening after a week is possible after having done 3 driving lessons of 90 minutes.
In the B class, the practical driving test is 45 minutes. The driving time take usually about 35 minutes.The driving examiner may shorten the practical driving test, if he is of the opinion that you can handle the vehicle and the situations. How much the road test is shortened or lengthened is the decision of the driving examiner.
- The driving technical preparation, correct seat adjustment, adjust the rear-view mirrors and seat belt reminders and familiarity with the service facilities.
- The behavior during starting, the auditor wants to see if you watch the back traffic and the gearshift mastered.
- During the trip, the examiner has a focus on your speed, adapted, that is, not too fast but also should not be too slow- fluently where it is possible and defensive where it needs to be -and to the safety distance to the vehicle ahead and the fact that you do not let yourself be distracted by the vehicle operator, and by his instructions.
- The behavior at intersections as the observation, speed and brake standby, switching off the engine during prolonged maintenance, monitoring, blinking and shoulder glance -blind spot -when turning and filing, as well as real right behavior towards pedestrians.
- Watch the behavior within the village, such as anticipatory driving and a good mirror observing how about every 4 seconds in the mirror. How your observation and response to traffic and road conditions, the correct road usage ( motorway), driving at higher speeds and the utilization v. overtake.
- At the end of the ride, the driving examiner will see that you park the vehicle in the traffic and secure the car and before disembarking the traffic has to be observerved in the blind spot. If everything is fine he will congratulated you on passing the examination.
Otherwise applies here – stay calm during the test. Each driving driving examiner is encouraged, the learner driver handed over to the driver’s license.This should prove to him only that he has also earned it.
Not less than one month before reaching the minimum age required.
Your passed theory test is valid for 12 months. Within 12 months of the theory test your practical driving test is to be stored.
If students fail, the theory test can be repeated regularly after 14 days. A shortening of the waiting period is possible. After 3 days, you can repeat the theory test, after having visited 2 theory topics. That means we’ll see you again for 2 theory lessons.
A maximum of 10 penalty points.(For classes B, A (-) and A1) But not more of two incorrectly answered questions right of way with 5 penalty points = 10 points this failed. For the moped certificate not more than 7 points of failure are allowed
If students fail, the theory test can be repeated regularly after 14 days. A shortening of the waiting period is possible. After 3 days, you can repeat the theory test, after having visited 2 theory topics. That means we’ll see you again for 2 theory lessons.
The theory test will be done at a computer. There you will receive from the driving examiner 30 questions consisting of 20 basic questions and 10 class-specific questions. Here You may have a maximum of 10 penalty points for the theory test to pass – but it may not have two issues with the valence of 5 penalty points to be, because it is the true theory test as failed. If you extend your existing license, you need to answer only 20 questions (10 and 10), but may also give only have 6 you points of failure. Incidentally, have you enough 45 minutes time. If you are preparing well, you can do it in 10 minutes. In Berlin it is recommended 1 hour before the end of the opening times to be there, just in case there is a larger crowds are. We wish you good luck.
Theoretical the drivingtest is easy to handle: The only solution here – Practice – Practice . There is enough time and and nescesary to learn (think almost 1000 questions, don´t underestimate the time!! You need one ore two hours every day for one months!!! )The “pressure” which you could have during the theory test, always depends on your attitude and your way of learning. If You have reasonable prepared( enough time!!) than it is easier than you think. It is helpfull to learn the regularity with a positive relaxed attitude. We’re crossing our fingers for you.
With good preparation, the test is easy to create. Good preparation of the driving test gives you a relaxed feeling and keeps the fright in limits.The more secure you are in your driving and thinking the less you’re a victim of exam nerves. The more your are experience, the different types of your experience in road traffic, the more you master even new and unknown situations.
Each student is a little nervous .But the degree of tension is also determined by our joint preparation substantially. In the drivingtest, the driving examiner sits behind the driving instructor. He tells you where we are drive .Everything is as you already know it. Directional terms, such as left or right. Tasks such as parking, emergency braking, reversing or joining a motorway. Panic is not your friend. Relaxed Stay, you’re in good hands.
It seems to be simple, but you have to be “good enough”. The theory is simple – you can find it out in the Therorie Learning Center all questions should be answered (nearly 1100) to 100% correct
The practice is more difficult. The driving instructor will find an substantia agreement with you together when you’re ready to pass the exam. This only makes sense if you can actually drive.This real driving can naturally comes only after many years.In the driving test you must “only” prove that you represent a risk neither for you nor for other road users, and you know the traffic rules and follow it.
In purely legal terms for you to 3 months before reaching the age limit for the theory test. Condition is that you have also made the relevant theory subjects at the driving school.
In the practical driving test you’ll also until at least one month before the birth that is required for the license, take the exam. In addition, all special trips must be completed here.
English Theory takes place see here
Here must be differentiated.
1.) We offer driving license training in 10 days in the form of a intensive training. Here you are trained for 7 days. Every day you will have 2 part of theory and about 3 x driving exercises We also offer holyday courses The standard training takes about 2 – 3 months.
2.) For all is valid: You have passed the processhaving your appointment at the local public office and have your driver’s license applied for there. The term of the authorities in Berlin take time, about 2-3 months. Only after receiving the positive answer of the Bürgeramt for application of the license you can take your driving test. With the training in driving school in Berlin Schoeneberg here you can start immediately.
In addition to the compulsory attendance in theory, you need to log in our theory-Learning Center. There you prepare yourself, means facing a multiple choice software for your theory test. There is also an app that you can use offline Once you have a Wifi you can do an update with your theory-Learning Center. There always you can see how much in % is your learning level. An english book in paper is optional.
No! The danger here is to be focus on a determind amount on driving lessons. Nobody knows in advance how many lessons you need. Who offers fixed prices don´t act serious. Each student need his personal individual education.A lot of maneuvers is required to safely pass the driving test and not to be a danger to themselves and others, the legislator has forbidden this. Anyone offering something so is illegal. Only a good education reduces the risk of being involved in an accident. Every accident is more expensive !!! than a good driving education.
The license costs are made up of many factors.
- Costs for the theory lessons (19% VAT)
- Teaching materials (19% VAT)
- Driving exercises (19% VAT)
- Special journeys (19% VAT)
- Road test (19% VAT)
- Examination fee at TÜV or Dekra
- XXX personal Custom Factor
The statistic say lesson times your age. But that is statistic.
That why it is always an individual price. For people which are free of talent could be more than the average.
Immediately ! Once you have finished with the driving school a training contract.
Immediately.You can go into the theoretical and practical driving training at any time. This makes perfect sense. All world envies our country to the “dual training”. Means theory goes hand in hand. Having practice is supporting your learning of the theory part. Doing the practical driving you get a lot of experience which assist you in learning. At the same time you can take part in the experience of other classmates. Because of the positive effect for the practice, the legislature has given that as an obligation.
The drivers who acquire first time a license for category B, A or A1, get it “on trial”. The trial period begins on the day of the first issue (date on the license) and lasts for two years.
The trial period can be extended, if a serious breach (A-G) or two less serious violations (B-G) is striking. The most common abnormalities are z. B. speeding, overtaking, red light violations, hit and run, falling below the minimum distance, etc.
Already since 01/11/1986 received novice drivers of old license classes one through three of their license on probation.The primary objective of the launch was the reduction of accidents caused by young drivers.
With the introduction of the driving license regulations (FeV) 1.1.1999 However, some important provisions relating to the license on probation have changed.
Everything worth knowing about the probationary license:
The beginning and end of the trial period:
The trial period begins on the date of issue and ends after two years at the end of the day.The expiry date is entered in the driving license.
- Cautionable and fines:
cautionary fines have no effect on the sample bill.All violations within the trial period, which lead to points in Flensburg, bans or suspension of driving license, have the so-called retraining result. - Type of offenses:
The finable traffic violations and traffic offenses are divided into two categories, so-called A and B offenses.
Subsection A fall serious infringements;These are the most traffic offenses (except flag abuse, § 22 StVG) and the “common” offenses (speed, distance, red light, right of way, Überholverstöße etc.).Subpart B are less serious offenses, such as violations of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (for example, exceeding the TÜV-date by more than 8 months, etc).
A refresher is due if the novice driver within the trial period an A-G or two B-violations commits.At the same time the trial period be extended to 4 years! - Retraining:
The refresher courses are conducted for new drivers have become conspicuous.These include several theoretical seminars (4 sessions of 135 minutes), in which the individual offenses are discussed as well as a driving test (at least 30 minutes), in which an auditor evaluates the Nachschüler.The courses are offered by the driving schools and carried out.To participate 35o € (depending on the driving school) are to be paid.It must be visited completely and within the time limit set by the Road Safety Authority all the course elements of retraining. - Other violations within the trial period:
Who again commits a violation or two A-B-violations by attending refresher courses within the trial period, will be asked by the traffic authorities to participate within 2 months at a traffic psychological counseling.This counseling is voluntary, but is highly recommended, as it brings two advantages: First, a points discount of 2 points will be granted and, secondly remain infringements committed within the 2-month period, the candidate will not qualify and will not lead to the withdrawal the license. - Disqualifications:
If the conspicuous become novice driver not to retraining in part, or he commits within 2 months after the warning and information for traffic psychological counseling another A-G or two more B-violations, then withdrawn in the license.He must then repeat the theoretical and practical driving test of the proposed class.
Excerpt of the infringement as A and B, lead to the synthesis seminar
After “A” one-time violation:
- Breach of the right driving with oncoming traffic, when being overtaken or confusion.
- Driving too fast in confusion or at crossroads, road junctions or crossings.
- Exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 km / h
- Insufficient safety distance at a speed of more than 80 km / h
- Banned right overtaking outside built.
- Overtaking in confusion or unclear traffic situation and when overtaking.
- Failure to observe the Vorfahrt.Wenden, reversing or driving rearward facing – on highways or power driveways.
- Incorrect behavior towards public transport and school buses.
- When turning right with Green Arrow before turning right not stopped.
- Failure to comply with the red light, coarse non-observance of the STOP sign.
- Use or permit the use of vehicles without authorization or without approval.
- Driving a motor vehicle under alcohol
After “B” twice violation:
- Not tangential turning left under threat of other Verkehrsteilnehmer.Fahren a vehicle with less than 1.6 mm tread depth on the tires.
- Driving without light or only with sidelights in significant visual obstruction outside built.
- Driving a vehicle with defective secured cargoes under impairment of road safety.
- Exceeding the deadline for TÜV examination by more than eight months.
- Run a defective vehicle.
- Driving a vehicle with exceeding the permissible dimensions
Our driving school in Berlin Schöneberg / Steglitz provides driving exercises from Monday to Saturday. In summer, this can be caused by night driving until midnight.The early bird starts at 8.30 am
The Keyword is individual factor.
The mandatory, such as nightride, highway and what we call crosscountry are the only duty lessons. All together these are 12 x 45 minutes ore 9 hours. All other exercises are depending on the own learning behavior. The statistics tells us: age = number of driving exercises (80 minutes).Now, the statistic is only roughly be seen here.We had a pensioner with only 30 hours of practice and a student with more. Sportsman cut here fundamentally better.The average is actually at about 16 lessons + mandatory.
Since 01.02.2006 the pilot project “accompanied driving is performed from 17 in Berlin From that date a license (class B or BE) may be issued as early as dem17 birthday However, while the following conditions are complied with…:
- up to 18 years may only be used when accompanied by an adult and experienced person (the person must be registered by name in the certificate, while it is also possible to register a number of accompanying persons)
- The accompanying person must be at least 30 years old
- This person must have a minimum of 5 years car driving license
- The accompanying person must have a maximum of three points in the central traffic register
- The license is only in Germany gültig Wer has now decided already to begin with 16 to his 17.Geburtstag be ready on time, can now submit the applications already.The consent of the parent or guardian must consist.From 16 1/2 years of the application can be made, but only if accompanied by parent / guardian.Furthermore, the following documents must be brought along:
- Identity card or passport
- Photo (35×45 mm, half profile without headgear)
- Eye test certificate (not older than 2 years)
- Evidence of training in life support
- A form must be completed for each accompanying person
- Personal details of the accompanying person / s
- Signature + copy of the license of the accompanying person / s
There is the application: attachment to the application Accompanied driving from 17This license application costs 51.10 EUR + 5,10 EUR per accompanying person.The further continuation of the license acquisition
similar to the driver education with 18
State Office for Public Order Affairs -Führerscheinbüro
Puttkamerstr.16-18 10958 Berlin Phone: (030) 90269 to 2300
Fax: (030) 90269-2399
What is education for eco-driving behavior?
Environmentally conscious
manner,we all want to be mobile, want to move freely, as comfortable as possible and independently of the other, and therefore appreciate what technology has given us – above all the car.
Although we know from the many traffic victims, so know and learn every day how uncertain the car makes our streets.We also notice how little the car use to us if we are in a traffic jam or can not find a parking space.Nevertheless, most of us want on the car (still) do without.
Meanwhile, now knows everybody, that cars pollute the environment.Only a few, however, it is clear how much, in what immense extent they impact on the environment.The car is the transport No. 1 and -.. The environmental problem No. 1. It has by all means of transportation to the highest percentage of the pollution, creates the most noise problems and has – with the exception of air transport – by far the largest energy requirement per person.
Now modern technology undoubtedly helps to reduce traffic noise and pollutant emissions.But that does not change the CO2emissions, through our climate is changing threat, and this CO2emissions caused by cars to almost a fifth.
Of crucial importance for the reduction of environmental damage caused by motor vehicle traffic is therefore our behavior as road users and as a driver.
Environmental consciousness behaves, who – leave your car and by public transport – wherever possible(further)drives or uses the bicycle.
This is the first and most important step.
But you can do more.One can, if environmentally sound alternatives eliminated and the journey by car is unavoidable, environmentally conscious driving car – namely change his driving style.Various studies show that the widely practiced brisk driving three to five times longer contributes to overall traffic noise and a third more fuel consumption and pollutant emissions caused as eco-driving.
Environmental education in driver training
Drivers with many years of driving experience, it is possible even with insight and good will only insufficiently to change their driving style,
store old behavioral habits and adopt new, environmentally friendly.
It is that novice drivers not only at an early stage provides the necessary knowledge about the problem circle car / environment, but from the beginning of their education at the same time the most environmentally according to the latest state of knowledge driving style is trained is even more important.
Create the preconditions needed to that driving instructors postulated driving their learner drivers can actually convey, was the main objective of the funded by the Federal Environment Agency research and development project “education to a conservation drivability in driver training,” which – as part of the already since 1985 at the worksite Transport educational research and teaching at the Technical University Berlin ongoing project carried out “education environmental awareness drive” – the preparation of the present curriculum is now enabled.
The theory curriculum – an offer
- The theory curriculum includes in its current version six lessons.Topics include:
- From the operational and road safety to environmental safety.
- Fuel consumption, trip planning and mode choice Anticipatory gliding – a driving style with image problems?
- Speed and environmental pollution
The lessons are specified in detail and offer concrete proposals to Lesson Development and design.Only for a teaching unit is proposed from time economic reasons still traditionally conceived teaching;another offers instruction blocks to the inclusion in the usual lessons.For all other participants centered teaching dominates.
The present collection of lessons is hardly completely in the – be included theory cycle of driving schools – comprehensive 14 double lessons for future car drivers.It is therefore advisable to use them in an environmentally educational efforts of other educational institutions.
Increased efforts at school, preparing young people for a more rational participation in motorized transport are provided, as is the integration of the school and driving school only jointly payable transport-related environmental education. Source: Nonprofit Institute of Transport Education